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1417 E Abingdon Dr #1, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

Learn More About Homes Listed In The Alexandria Area

All buyers have a list of hopes, desires and needs, but everything on that list is bounded by the price the purchaser can (or wants to) pay for a new home. This property is selling asking $319,000. Julie Nesbitt tells us at a price of $319,000, 1417 E Abingdon Dr #1, Alexandria VA is intriguing to consider. Continue reading
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603 Second St, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

$1,559,145 Advertised For Sale At 603 Second St In The City of Alexandria

If you're shopping for places, every search is going to be framed by your purchase of real estate pre-approved price limit. How much do you want to pay? 603 Second St will set you back $1,559,145 if you want to purchase in Alexandria, Virginia. If you've set your budget about $1,550,000 and you're looking for an end unit townhouse you may want to take a hard look at the Alexandria area. Continue reading
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722 S Washington St #301, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed

Newly Listed At in The City of Alexandria Virginia 22314 ⁝ $349,900

Purchasing a condo not unlike 722 S Washington St #301 is possibly the most important purchase most residents of Alexandria, Virginia will ever make. In fact, as a local specialist with local market knowledge about Alexandria, Virginia, Nesbitt Realty will be a hard-working protector who understands the informational and emotional backing that purchasers need if finding and acquiring a home in The City of Alexandria. Further, there are always risks in Alexandria real estate.  In contrast, a super ace like Nesbitt can aid you to manage or avoid many of the risks  associated with buying a home in 22314 in Alexandria. Continue reading
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801 N Pitt St #1505, Alexandria VA 22314 Listed

1 Bedroom in Alexandria, Virginia For About $300,000

Julie Nesbitt likes working with shoppers seeking 1 bedroom residences in the City of Alexandria. Consider the prices and pictures of this residence at 801 N Pitt St #1505. Further, you will perhaps be impressed by what this home has for the right buyer. Continue reading
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Are You Seeking A 2 Bedroom Real Property For Around $600,000?

Photo of 362 N Saint Asaph St This 2 bedroom home in Alexandria, Virginia is asking $600,000. Stuart Nesbitt can help you locate homes that meet your needs and are in your price range. It's best to rely on a local ace like Stuart Nesbitt to identify places. Ad hoc searches without professional assistance rarely return ideal results. What's the best way to win a bidding war? Avoid one. There are only two possible outcomes: you've paid more than anyone else would pay or you've wasted your time. Continue reading
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2 BR End Unit Townhouse In 22314 In Alexandria For $748,990

Photo of 615 S Columbus St This 2 bedroom end unit townhouse is in Alexandria. Agents come from all walks of life and some are much better than others. Interview Julie Nesbitt to see if Julie Nesbitt is the licensed real estate adviser for you. It's best to rely on a local sage like Julie Nesbitt to find end unit townhouses. Ad hoc searches without professional assistance rarely return ideal results. Continue reading
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134 Roberts Ln #302, Alexandria VA 22314 For Sale

$275,000 In Alexandria Virginia 22314

Well ... is 134 Roberts Ln #302 the best choice of residence for you? It could be. But, you have to ask yourself these questions. Can you afford $275,000? Is it actually worth $301,000 or $249,000? Are you searching for a 1-bedroom Contemporary-style property in Alexandria, Virginia? Do you need 1 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $883 on this real estate purchase? If you have questions about 134 Roberts Ln #302, or the real estate market in The City of Alexandria, reach out to Stuart Nesbitt today. Continue reading

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